why we teamed up with a brand identity agency

We knocked on brand identity agency Millford’s door during the midst of the first Covid-19 pandemic: ‘We wanted our story translated into a clear story and a visual style that fits with us’. Millford convinced us we needed to update our brand positioning and has shown us that there needs to be a connection between brand positioning and visual identity. At the time of writing, we’ve almost completely implemented our new visual identity.
A good time to take a look back!
Coen Vleesenbeek; ‘Millford has a good track record and reputation. This was one of the most important reasons for us to work with them. It is an agency that specialises in positioning brands and building visual identities. We had several crucial questions unanswered and needed to make a change in the way our brand presented itself visually. From the very first meeting, we noticed that Millford knew how to ask the right questions in order for us to crystalise the answers. It was immediately about who we are, what we stand for and why we are relevant to our target market; SME businesses. This gave us confidence and although it was a substantial investment for us, we went for it. We were convinced that the investment would pay off.
And it did.
Our right to exist
Millford showed us that there has to be a clear connection between brand positioning and visual identity. Who the brand is and how it comes across must fit. Only then do they add up. A brand is more than just a logo and ‘corporate’ identity. The style is perceived as professional, modern and young. It helps us position thexton armstrong in the market in a way that is unique and relevant. It gives clarity in who we are and what our reason for existence is. It also provides a framework about what we do and also what we’re not about. And what is perhaps just as important, it has given us a considerable internal motivational boost.
Our story and branding is well received by the outside world and our franchisees respond very positively. The fact that we are investing in our brand & formula during a crisis and that we continue to innovate paints a positive picture of the future prospects for thexton armstrong.
The work process
The process with Millford consisted of two parts; the positioning of thexton armstrong brand and the creation of the visual identity. We developed the brand positioning on the basis of several working sessions with key people. Sanne van Kuijk (strategy director at Millford) helped us a lot during this phase by filtering our words & thoughts and making them specific. They understand the industry in which we operate and the target group we serve, which ensured that we immediately had the right conversations.
Our new visual identity was created with the help of several intensive work shops that allowed us to see which direction Millford was going. This ensured that we remained continuously connected to all steps throughout the process. Their structured way of working, in which Laila de Vries (brand director at Millford) kept a tight rein, ensured that everything went smoothly. They always remained open to our suggestions and ideas. All in all, it has been a very pleasant process and well thought-out.
As a bonus, we could always turn to Millford in the aftermath of the project. After completing the visual style, other agencies started working on the result. If we had any questions, one phone call was always enough.
We can recommend and I personally vouch for Millford – you can find more information about them on their website https://www.millford.nl/home