Michiel van de Watering’s 10 years at thexton armstrong

Anniversary – Michiel van de Watering’s 10 years at thexton armstrong.
Michiel van de Watering has been with thexton armstrong for 10 years. The entire thexton armstrong leadership team is immensely proud of its third jubilee this year. After Paul Farmer and Tijnis Verhoeff, it now was Michiel’s turn to be placed in the spotlight at thexton armstrong’s quarterly partner meeting.
In the presence almost all of Michiel’s fellow business mentors, Master Franchise Partner Benny Schulte handed over a large bunch of flowers and the by now familiar sculpture as a symbol of their partnership.
Michiel was thanked for a fruitful partnership and his personal contributions to the marketing committee.
What does the sculpture mean to you?
Michiel: The sculpture represents what I do as a business mentor. I am the one who initially holds the ladder and help the business owner to become an even better entrepreneur. The steepness of the ladder is determined by ambition and ability, and over time I hand over the ladder to my client and his/her team, so that the ladder never slips or falls over.
At our request, Michiel answered a few questions:
Do you have a fond memory of a special client?
I have no less than three great examples, all of which are about “Personal visions”:
1) The owner of a building company was surprised that we first started talking about his personal vision, but found it very valuable afterwards. He now uses it as his motivator to maintain the right focus.
2) An IT entrepreneur came to me to ‘complain’ because he already realised buying his dream car and sold his company within 3-5 years!
3) A (heavily pregnant) partner of my client was present in our second session and she made it very clear that her husband spent too much time in the business. I met her after giving birth and she exclaimed how happy she was that her husband now managed to spend more time at home without a laptop and mobile phone.
What insights has thexton armstrong brought you?
That SME business owners are often consumed by their companies and as a result, loose sight of their goals they set when they became entrepreneurs.
For me personally, working together in our franchise means that I can always improve by partnering with other thexton armstrong mentors. They know the path I walk or have walked with my clients and ask relevant and challenging questions fitting our approach.