Jean Korthals Altes 10 years at thexton armstrong

Anniversary – Jean Korthals Altes’ 10 years at thexton armstrong.
2023 marks 10 years since Jean Korthals Altes joined thexton armstrong. We are proud to honour yet another jubilee! But above all, we are happy to have Jean as a colleague. His contribution to our company is greatly appreciated and we hope to work with him for many years to come!
In the presence almost all of Jean’s fellow business mentors, Master Franchise Partner Benny Schulte handed over a large bunch of flowers and the by now familiar sculpture as a symbol of their partnership.
On the occasion of this anniversary, Jean tells us what he has remembered most in these 10 years.
Jean: In 10 years of thexton armstrong, I have particularly noticed that SME entrepreneurs could get more out of their business by opting for more cooperation.
Looking back on the past 10 years, I can conclude that I have had the opportunity to meet a lot of hardworking and enthusiastic SME entrepreneurs.
However, I also noticed that these entrepreneurs regularly sell their businesses short by wanting to do too much on their own.
Jean continues:
I would therefore like to share 3 tips for SME entrepreneurs to get more out of their business:
1) You don’t have to do everything yourself, delegate tasks within your organisation to your employees. This way, you can make the most of your employees’ development potential. This also gives positive effects in terms of internal cooperation and it can create a closer team.
2) Find, within the business chain or at the horizontal level, close partnerships with other entrepreneurs. Partnerships with other companies very often produce visible results on both sides and thus increase the continuity perspective of the company.
3) Get a mentor or independent business advisor to ‘look over your shoulder’. In SMEs, many entrepreneurs find it daunting to enlist external help. But especially when you are (often almost) alone as an entrepreneur, a mentor can offer significant added value. A good mentor is there for you and always has just one goal: to ensure that you, the business owner, succeed in achieving your hopes & dreams.