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The entrepreneurs journey – the Pioneer phase

blog pioneer phase thexton armstrong

Your entrepreneurial journey: the pioneering phase

Marianne de Vries had always had a dream: her own business. After years of working in the marketing department of a large company, she decided to take the plunge. She wanted to build something real, something completely her own. Thus was born ‘EcoChic,’ a sustainable fashion company offering stylish, eco-friendly clothing. But as every entrepreneur experiences in the early stages, the road to success turned out to be full of challenges.

The pioneering phase

In these early days, everything revolved around Marianne herself. She was the heart of EcoChic, and every aspect of the business depended on her. From designing the clothes to finding suitable suppliers and managing the finances-Marianne did it all. Her days started early and ended late. Every waking moment was dedicated to her business.

The first steps into the market were exciting, but also nerve-wracking. Marianne had to validate her product-prove that there was a market for her sustainable clothing line. She organised small events, set up a webshop and used social media to spread the word about her brand. Every time an order came in, it felt like a small victory. But she knew that sales figures were more important than profit margins at this stage. It was about gaining market share and showing that EcoChic had a reason to exist.

With limited resources, cash flow was a constant challenge. Every penny coming in had to be spent carefully, and often it felt like she was balancing on a financial tightrope. The constant worry about whether there would be enough money to buy the next load of fabrics or pay the rent of her small studio kept her awake at night. There were times when she wondered if she had made the right choice.

As EcoChic still was in its pioneering phase, there were no set procedures or company cultures. The company was fragile, depending on every decision Marianne made. There were no teams to fall back on or processes to rely on; every crisis, no matter how small, felt like a potential threat to her company’s survival. It meant Marianne often had to make ad hoc decisions and move quickly to solve problems.


blog pioneer phase thexton armstrong


The price Marianne paid was high, especially on a personal level. She had little time for her social life, and her relationships were strained. Friends and family saw less and less of her, and free time was a luxury she could not afford. Her health was also beginning to suffer; the constant stress and lack of sleep were taking their toll. Yet Marianne was determined to keep going. She believed in her vision and knew that these sacrifices were temporary.



Gaining market share

Slowly but surely, EcoChic began to gain a foothold. Marianne managed to secure her first large order, and although profit margins were small, it was an important step in gaining market share. The positive response from customers gave her the courage to continue, despite the many obstacles she faced.

Marianne knew that the pioneering phase was the most difficult, but she believed that if she got through this period, EcoChic would have a solid foundation for the future. She had learned that entrepreneurship is not only about making a profit, but also about perseverance, passion and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Looking ahead

Now, a year after its founding, Marianne sees that EcoChic has taken the first, difficult steps towards success. There is still a long way to go, but she feels she has become stronger through these experiences. The sacrifices she has made have taught her what really matters: the satisfaction of building something bigger than yourself.

Marianne de Vries is still at the beginning of her entrepreneurial journey, but she knows she is on the right track. EcoChic is still small, but she has laid the foundations for a business that can grow and prosper as long as she keeps following her passion and does not forget the lessons of the pioneering phase.

What stage is your business in?

The pioneering phase is often characterised by a short-term focus. There is a constant need to put out fires and react immediately to whatever comes your way. Ask yourself: Am I primarily concerned with surviving in the here and now, rather than making strategic plans for the future? If this is the case, then you are probably still in the process of laying the groundwork for your business.

These questions can help you understand the stage you are in. By honestly looking at your answers, you can better understand what it takes to take the next step in developing your business.

  1. Are you driving every decision?
  2. Is the focus mainly on generating sales rather than profits?
  3. Are you struggling to manage cash flow?
  4. Are there not yet clear systems and procedures in your company?
  5. Do you and your private life largely revolve around your business?
  6. Do you mainly react to short-term challenges instead of making long-term plans?
If you can answer YES to most of these questions, then your business is in the Pioneer Phase. How do you move forward in your entrepreneurial journey? More about this in our next blog.
This blog was published on September 17th by the Benelux thexton armstrong team.