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entrepreneurs journey

The Entrepreneur’s Journey

You’ll likely recognise your own entrepreneurial experiences in the journey below: milestones you’ve reached, challenges you’ve faced, and even brick walls that you’ve hit.

It’s rare that an entrepreneur successfully navigates their journey without expert guidance and support — and that’s where thexton armstrong comes in.

Phase 0: Ideation 0 (not on visual)

Here, you’re considering what’s next for you. Will you buy a business, start your own, or launch it with our thexton armstrong Master Franchise? You’ll explore whether you have the belief in, passion for and commitment to a business idea that are vital to see it succeed.

Are you a seasoned entrepreneur who’s back in this mindset and ready for a new challenge? You could be our next Master Franchisee.

Starting your next entrepreneurial journey with thexton armstrong gives you an out-of-the-box startup ready for you to run. We’ll provide the brand, formula and client materials, and you’ll bring your experience and spark to launch, nurture and grow our next Master Franchise.

Phase 1: Pioneer

This is the stage where you really go for your business idea, pouring your heart, soul, time and money into getting it off the ground. The main aim? Setting a clear strategy for your product, market validation and positioning.

Creativity and energy levels are high — but your company’s vulnerability is, too. It’s a chaotic and often messy time. Vital investments lead to negative cash flow, and overworking means your personal life pays a price.

Your situation is precarious, and you may have serious doubts about whether your venture will succeed. To survive, complete commitment is key — no matter what.

Phase 2: Acceleration

You’ve proven that your idea works. Deals roll in and your market validation is unquestionable. Your cash flow is on the up. You feel almost invincible — and ready to seize any opportunity. Success now feels like a logical outcome, instead of a dream scenario.

Focus shifts from your product to your market. Sales become priority #1. Turnover is up, but your margins probably aren’t. Within your business, communication and accountability are patchy at best. There’s energy, but focus and consistency are harder to pin down.

For your and your business’ longevity, you need to tread carefully. Communication becomes more challenging and decision making can stall due to a lack of processes. You’ll reach the point where you simply can’t put in any more hours, so you’ll have to hire more staff. Choose the best people for the job, not those closest to you. In this phase, you are your company’s greatest asset — but also its greatest risk.

Now, you need to outgrow the phase where you were responsible for everything, all the time. Choose your focus, and define your new role. Delegate everything else.

At thexton armstrong, we specialise in supporting entrepreneurs in this phase. With our expert guidance, you’ll craft the right foundations and structure to see your business grow.

Phase 3: Growth

This is the toughest step in your journey. To see your business thrive, your vision and core values now no longer cut it. By this point, any growth barriers need to be solved. You need a solid, trusted Management Team as well, so you can officially decentralise decision-making.

Clarity on who makes decisions, about what and when is key. There need to be rules and goals that are lived, breathed and respected within your business. Be sure to value creativity and innovation, without letting it waste resources.

Phase 4: Flow

Welcome to your ideal stage. You have the right management team, staff and policies in place. Your company is healthy and growing, and your overriding goal is to keep it that way.

For a select few companies, the flow phase never ends. But it’s incredibly difficult to maintain, and most entrepreneurs eventually see their business shift from flow, to a plateau where structure overtakes innovation, to ageing.

To stay in the flow phase, you and your team need to avoid complacency and keep your innovative streak strong.

Phase 5: Exit

It’s been quite a journey, but now it’s time to step away from this particular venture. Of course, you can choose to sell at any time — and you might receive a generous offer early on your journey.

It’s wise to have an exit plan in place as early as you can. That’s the best way to ensure it takes care of you as an individual, as well as the staff around you and the business you’ve built.

At thexton armstrong, we make sure you’re in the driving seat when it comes to your exit plan — no matter when you choose to sell.

Are you ready to start your journey with us?

As business mentors ourselves we will answer any questions you may have during your own Ideation phase. We will help you launch your Master Franchise - from Pioneer to Acceleration and Scale Up and beyond