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The entrepreneurs journey – the Acceleration phase

Johan Frielink stood in the shadow of an imposing century-old mansion in the heart of the city. His construction company, ‘Frielink Renovations,’ specialises in renovating listed buildings, and the current project was one of the most challenging yet. The house, with its delicate ornaments and historic character, required a great deal of care and precision. But Johan was no longer concerned with the technical aspects of the renovation. His focus was now elsewhere: his business was in the acceleration phase, and he knew it was time to move to the next level.


Optimising processes and systems

Every day he looked for ways to improve efficiency. He had introduced a new project management system that made the planning and execution of renovation projects more manageable. People now knew exactly what was expected of them, which reduced turnaround times and improved the quality of work.
Johan was constantly working on optimisation. There were now fixed protocols for every aspect of a renovation project, from the first contact with the customer through to handover of the property. This ensured consistency and reliability, important factors in the acceleration phase.

The right people in the right place

Johan had always known that his team was at the heart of his success, but it was at this stage that he realised the importance of having the right people in the right place. He had made a number of strategic appointments to support the company’s growth. A new project manager, Saskia, brought fresh ideas and structure to the running of the business. His finance manager, Robert, had proved indispensable in understanding their costs and revenues.
He asked himself, ‘Have I gathered people around me who share my vision and are willing to take action? Absolutely. He found himself focusing more on who was taking on what within the organisation. Each team member had a specific role that they enjoyed and excelled at, and this allowed the company to respond more quickly to changes and challenges.

Improving cash flow

One of the biggest concerns in the early stages of his business had always been cash flow. There were times when Johan would lie awake worrying about how he was going to pay salaries or finance materials for a new project. But now, in the acceleration phase, the company was beginning to show more financial stability. They had a steady flow of orders, and streamlined processes made their costs more manageable.
There was clearly more control over finances than before. They had completed some lucrative renovations and improved margins by working more efficiently. Challenges remained, but the improved financial performance gave him confidence for the future.

Delegating and letting go

In the early years of Frielink Renovations, Johan was involved in everything. Every decision, big or small, ended up on his desk. But now he noticed that he was delegating more and more to his team. He had learned that he didn’t have to do everything himself. Saskia took care of the day-to-day operations, while Robert kept an eye on the finances. Johan was busy developing new strategies and making contacts for future projects.
He asked himself if he was able to delegate tasks to others without constantly interfering. The answer was a resounding yes. He learned to trust his team and give them room to make mistakes and learn from them. This was perhaps one of the hardest lessons to learn, but also one of the most important during the acceleration phase.

Adapting leadership to a more complex organisation

As the company grew, Johan found that his role as a leader was changing. It was no longer just about delivering projects, but about inspiring and leading an increasingly complex organisation. He began to spend more time developing a clear vision for the company’s future and communicating that vision to his team. He organised regular team meetings to discuss not only the progress of projects, but also the company’s long-term goals and values.
Johan realised that he needed to adapt his leadership to the new reality. He had become more of a coach than a performer, someone who inspired his team and gave them the tools to succeed.

Focusing on ‘better, better, better’

During the acceleration phase, Johan realised that growth was not just about taking on more projects, but getting better at what they were already doing. He had always strived for quality, but now it became the core of their strategy. They refined their renovation techniques, trained their staff and improved their collaboration with architects and suppliers. This led to greater customer satisfaction and a stronger market offering.
He wanted Frielink Renovations to be the best at what they were already doing before they thought about expanding. The focus on quality would help them to remain successful in the long term.

Looking forward to further acceleration

Johan stood outside the villa and smiled. He knew his company was firmly in the acceleration phase. They were building a scalable, efficient organisation with the right people in the right places, improved financial performance and a focus on quality over quantity. The future looked bright and Johan was ready to take Frielink Renovations to new heights, maintaining its reputation for craftsmanship and care for heritage buildings.

What phase is your company in?

Acceleration is a crucial time for your business, when the focus shifts from survival to growth and scalability. It is a time when many entrepreneurs want to take their business to the next level. But how can you be sure that you are in this phase? By asking yourself the right questions, you can gain insight into where you are and what steps you need to take to accelerate further.

  1. Are your processes and systems optimised?
  2. Do you have the right people in the right places?
  3. Are you improving cash flow?
  4. Are you delegating and letting go?
  5. Have you adapted your leadership to a more complex organisation?
  6. Are you focusing more on ‘better better better’ rather than ‘more more more more’?

Answering these questions will help you better assess whether your business is in the acceleration phase. This insight will help you make the right decisions and continue to grow your business.

This blog was published on October 3rd 2024  by the Benelux thexton armstrong team.